Kratom Info

We will be off Thanksgiving day, orders will begin processing again November 27th. Happy Thanksgiving!
What Is Dragon Kratom?

There are so many different kratom strains on the market it is hard for newbies to know where to start. Dragon kratom is somewhat new and is not as well known as other strains. However, it has quickly gained popularity and this is the reason why we thought it may be a good idea […]

What You Should Know About Red Bentuangie Kratom

Bentuangie kratom is unique because it goes through a fermentation process before it is dried. This process enhances the alkaloid content and makes Red Bentuangie kratom one of the most potent kratom strains on the market. Let’s explore this strain and all it has to offer.  What Is Red Bentuangie Kratom? Bentuangie kratom comes from Indonesia, which

Kratom Blends

Kratom blends are not a new thing. For centuries, natives from Southeast Asia have been blending kratom strains to create various blends to help support their wellness goals. Many vendors offer kratom blends or you can choose to create your own blends. This article will step you through all the best parts of kratom

Best Sumatra Kratom Strains

The Sumatra Islands are well known for their versatile landscapes. It contains tropical forests along with rugged volcanoes. The soil is rich in nutrients that are needed to produce high-quality kratom. Sumatra Kratom is sought after because of its diversity. They offer a load of support without being overpowering. Sumatra is located in Indonesia, which happens

malaysian kratom_oasis kratom

Malaysian Kratom happens to be one of the most popular types of kratom. There are a variety of strains to choose from, which means both beginners and avid users will be able to choose a product to provide the wellness support that they are seeking. Avid users are more familiar with Malaysian Kratom, whereas

Things You Didn't Know About Gold Maeng Da

Experience the Ultimate Kratom Strain – Try Gold Kratom Today! Is this your first time reading about Gold Vein Kratom? You’re not alone! Many avid users of kratom are not used to seeing the word Gold associated with kratom. It can sometimes be referred to as yellow kratom due to its similar coloring, however,

Understanding Green Hulu Kapuas Kratom

Green Hulu Kapuas kratom is a unique strain that only a few vendors have access to. Since it is not easily sourced, this strain is highly sought after. If you are looking for a kratom strain that offers the perfect balance of alkaloids, give Green Hulu Kapuas a try. This article will help you

Red Horn is the Most Popular Kratom Strain

Red Horn Kratom is one of the most popular strains in the kratom industry. It offers robust support that is not seen in other forms of kratom. This guide will step you through the reasons why so many people seek this strain. In the end, you will be able to determine if Red Horn

Kratom Vs CBD

The alternative living market for kratom and CBD has increased by tenfold in the last decade. Everyone is looking for a natural way to live a healthy life. Some are still learning their way through this alternative lifestyle and are questioning many available products. One in particular that we see a lot is kratom

Most Expensive Kratom Strains

Kratom strains are multiplying every year. More and more strains are being offered by reliable vendors, and kratom connoisseurs have their choice of exotic blends that are hard to come by. The rarer a strain is, the more expensive it tends to be. If it is a strain that is not being offered by


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