Kratom is native to Southeast Asia where it grows along river banks and in the forest. This herb is prominent in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Kratom harvesting is an art that is practiced by skilled farmers. There is a lot involved with processing kratom, and this is a vital part of producing high-quality kratom. […]
Kratom comes in many forms, including capsules, powders, and extracts. But what are kratom stem and veins? This part of the plant is typically removed during harvesting, and the remains are ground into a fine powder with a flour-like consistency. However, the stem and vein are vital to the kratom plant. Let’s dig in
There are many different types of kratom, which include powders, capsules, and extracts. Kratom comes in four vein colors, which include red, green, white, and yellow. How kratom is harvested will greatly affect the strain’s alkaloid profile. We have many customers asking about fermented kratom. This type of kratom will go through an extra
It seems everyone is on a health kick these days, which is not always bad. People are looking for herbs and supplements to supply them with overall wellness support. This has many kratom users asking, “Does kratom have any nutritional value?” The answer is yes, but let’s take a closer look so you can