There are not a lot of regulations that you have to worry about in the kratom industry. However, a Kratom Certificate of Analysis is very important. You may be wondering what this certificate is and why it is so important to the kratom industry. In this blog, we will explore the certificate of analysis […]
Believe it or not, eco-farming and kratom go hand and hand. While it has not always been this way, eco-farming is important to the sustainability of our environment. This type of farming produces kratom in an environmentally friendly way. While it may sound difficult, it is not. Let’s take a look at what needs
Kratom is native to Southeast Asia including Indonesia, Thailand, and Borneo. Kratom comes in four different vein colors, which include red, green, white, and yellow. There are hundreds of strains offered, and kratom is typically characterized by its vein color and the country it originated from. One new strain on the market is Cambodian
Kratom comes in many forms, including powders, capsules, extracts, and gummies. However, many people opt for capsules because it is the easiest way to deliver the correct amount. We get questions all the time about measuring out kratom. Here, we will discuss different measurements for kratom so you can understand how much is a
The health care market is filled with anecdotal reporting when it comes to herbal supplements. Valerian Root and Kratom are two herbs that people often ask about. Not only are these customers looking to use these herbs separately, but some would like to know if it is possible to combine them. Our answer to