Kratom Info

We will be off Thanksgiving day, orders will begin processing again November 27th. Happy Thanksgiving!
How to save on kratom

Pricing is always on every consumer’s mind. It does not matter what you are purchasing you want to try and get a bargain. We have customers ask how to save on kratom? While some vendors charge higher prices for quality kratom, there are some ways you can save. This allows you to enjoy buying […]

How to talk to your doctor about kratom

Kratom is not an herb that is well received all over the world. This herb has gained a lot of negative press. This is mainly due to the lack of scientific research to prove the value of kratom. However, this herb is not back by the FDA and cannot be recommended by anyone except

Best methods for storing kratom

Kratom can become stale if exposed to specific elements for too long. You want to ensure you are storing your kratom correctly so that it does not go bad. Over time, kratom can lose its efficiency as far as alkaloids go. This means you will not get the same wellness support that you once

Kratom Harvesting

Kratom is native to Southeast Asia where it grows along river banks and in the forest. This herb is prominent in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Kratom harvesting is an art that is practiced by skilled farmers. There is a lot involved with processing kratom, and this is a vital part of producing high-quality kratom.

What Is Kratom Stem And Vein?

Kratom comes in many forms, including capsules, powders, and extracts. But what are kratom stem and veins? This part of the plant is typically removed during harvesting, and the remains are ground into a fine powder with a flour-like consistency. However, the stem and vein are vital to the kratom plant. Let’s dig in

Is It Safe To Mix Kratom and Beer?

Some users have made kratom a part of their routine. With this has come the question can kratom and beer be mixed. Avid users want to know if it is safe to have these two products together. If it is not, then they want to know what could happen.  As you are already aware,

Fermented Kratom

There are many different types of kratom, which include powders, capsules, and extracts. Kratom comes in four vein colors which include red, green, white, and yellow. How kratom is harvested will greatly affect the strain’s alkaloid profile. We have a lot of customers asking, “What is fermented kratom?” This type of kratom will go through an extra process

Does Kratom Have Any Nutritional Value?

It seems everyone is on a health kick these days, which is not always bad. People are looking for herbs and supplements to supply them with overall wellness support. This has many kratom users asking, “Does kratom have any nutritional value?” The answer is yes, but let’s take a closer look so you can

Where To Find The Best Kratom Blogs

When it comes to kratom there is a lot of buzz around legalities and where this herb has been banned. This industry is tricky because it is not backed by the FDA and vendors have to constantly worry about the jargon that is being used on their websites as well as their blogs. You

Best Kratom Forums

Kratom is not the sort of herb you can find a lot of scientific research on. This is mainly because of the legal issues that surround Kratom and the bans that have occurred. This has put a halt to research and has left Kratom users turning to others for sound advice. While you should


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